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To: Vincent Roche, Analog Devices CEO & Daniel Burlingame, GM of Beaverton Fab 

In the last year at Analog Devices, we, the undersigned fab operators, have had our quality of life affected by unpaid shutdowns, forced vacation, and delays of scheduled raises. Layoffs and high turnover combined with increased expectations for production output have contributed to higher anxiety on the floor and unsafe working conditions.

Earlier this year, we received an email from Mariya Trickett, ADI’s Chief People Officer, stating “our external shareholders rely on the financial commitments we make during our quarterly earnings report. If we miss those commitments, they lose faith in our well-earned reputation for strong management” as justification for all the cutbacks, making our jobs more dangerous and keeping our wages low. Yet, ADI gave over $3 billion to shareholders in the form of stock buybacks last year instead of saving money for anticipated fluctuations in the market to pay us during a shutdown or giving us, the workers who made those profits, our fair share. 

We should not be penalized in the form of forced shutdowns without pay because we produced quality products, met our quotas, and filled our customers' warehouses as we were asked to. 

As the people who manufacture ADI’s products, we demand:

No Unpaid Shutdowns or Forced Vacation:

Our paid time off should be ours to use as we please, we shouldn't be forced by the company to use it. Any facility shutdowns, planned or unplanned, should be paid for by the company. Workers should not be forced to go into debt or use vacation days because the fab is closed. 

$27/hr Minimum Wage for All Fab Operators |  Guaranteed COLA:

The MIT Living Wage Calculator assesses $27.05 as a living wage for a single adult with no children in the Portland-Vancouver-Hillsboro, OR metro area. As essential workers in the semiconductor industry, we deserve a living wage. Furthermore, it is unacceptable to withhold scheduled raises for months when we are already struggling to make ends meet. 

Proper Health & Safety Training with Worker Involvement | Compensation for Trainers: 

We work with hazardous chemicals each day, yet training for how to properly use these materials is inconsistent and high turnover exacerbates this issue, creating unsafe working conditions for us all. ADI should engage fab operators in the development and implementation of robust health and safety training programs, designate safety trainers who will implement these programs, and compensate the trainers for their additional work.


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